Call for people aged 50+ in North Yorkshire to help create an age friendly community
This International Day of Older Persons (Saturday 1 October), Community First Yorkshire is asking people aged 50 and over living in North Yorkshire to have their say on creating an all age friendly community.
As part of a three year project funded by North Yorkshire Council and partners, Community First Yorkshire (an infrastructure support charity) is launching a survey asking people what it’s like living and working in North Yorkshire, what matters to them, what works well and what doesn’t.
Jane Colthup, Chief Executive of Community First Yorkshire, said: “If you’re aged 50 and over in North Yorkshire, we’re inviting you to help shape future local support and services that matter to you.
“This could be anything from access to employment, how you feel about transport connections or suggestions you’d like to make on improving access to local health services.
“Whatever’s important to you, we want to hear from you. This is a vital chance to help shape what matters to you so that we can work together to improve the health and wellbeing of people across the county.”
Using the survey results, North Yorkshire County Council and partners will be able review where support and services in our county are strong and also where they may need some improvement.
Take the survey here. The survey closes at the end of November.
Print and large print versions are available. Call 01904 704104 or email to ask for a copy.
Join the age friendly network
As part of the project, Community First Yorkshire would like to invite people aged 50+ to be part of a network that brings together residents and local organisations. The network aims to:
- represent people aged 50+ across North Yorkshire
- connect them to local services and feedback on the issues that matter most
- provide an opportunity for groups and organisations to share information
- create a lasting legacy of an age friendly community in the county.
The network is free to join and is an opportunity for North Yorkshire’s residents to share their views and speak directly to local service providers. This means that there will be a better understanding of what people want in their local area. If you want to join the network, click here.
At this point in the project there is also the opportunity for network members to help shape the network in its initial stages, if they are able, to ensure that it really represents people aged 50+.
Find more information about the project here.