Celebrating Young Carers Action Day 2022
What is Young Carers Action Day?
Young Carers Action Day is an annual event, organised each year by Carers Trust.
It’s a day for raising public awareness of young carers and young adult carers, the pressures and challenges they face, and the incredible contribution they make by caring for their family members and friends.
It is also a day to call for more action to support young and young adult carers and give them the extra bit of help they need to live full and healthy lives.
Young carers and young adult carers themselves were the ones to decide the theme for this year’s campaign. They told Carers Trust they wanted the 2022 Young Carers Action Day to be all about securing action to help address the isolation they experience as young and young adult carers.
They highlighted how having the right support in place – such as regular short breaks from caring – can be really beneficial, giving them a better chance of succeeding in all parts of their lives.
We also want to celebrate all the good practice taking place to provide access to support and services that helps prevent isolation among young and young adult carers.
Our Youth Loneliness toolkit
Have a look here at our Youth Loneliness toolkit which was created in consultation with young people from across the county, highlighting the issues surrounding the social isolation that affects young people and encouraging conversations about loneliness so that this stigma is reduced. It is aimed at young people aged 11 – 18. It has specific information about how loneliness and isolation can affect young and young adult carers.
How you can help
Today is all about spreading awareness and celebrating the good that is done for young carers too.
This can be done by sharing posts on social media under the hashtag #YoungCarersActionDay or reposting resources that are out there to support young carers.