Community First Yorkshire's AGM

Member invite to 2023 AGM

Thursday 9 March 2023 (4 – 5pm on Zoom)

Did you know that 2 March is a landmark date? It’s when Concorde took off on its maiden flight in 1969 and the day the Sound of Music premiered in 1965. It’s also when we’ll be holding this year’s AGM, so an important date for your diary.

We may not be inviting our members to walk the red carpet or break the sound barrier but our AGM is a vital part of Community First Yorkshire’s calendar as we look back on the impact of our work in 2021/2022, and explore what’s next for both us organisationally and the sector.

We are warmly inviting all of our Community First Yorkshire members to join us at our 2021/2022 AGM.

A look at the year ahead for the sector

After the main business of the AGM, (the presentation of the annual report and accounts for 2021/2022 and reappointment of trustees who are retiring by rotation), our Chief Executive Jane Colthup will share her thoughts on the sector for 2023/2024.

She will explore the implications of the Local Government Reorganisation in North Yorkshire and the new Integrated Care System in the current operating environment. How will these new structures impact on the work of both Community First Yorkshire and the community groups and organisations that we support?

As a Community First Yorkshire member, this is your chance to ask questions about the challenges and opportunities that these changes present, and how your organisation can navigate them in the year ahead.

Vacancies on our trustee board

We do currently have vacancies on our trustee board. Our trustees are vital in shaping both how we support our member organisations and how we further raise the profile of the sector, and the issues, challenges and opportunities it is facing, to key stakeholders and policy makers. If you would like to be a part of shaping our future do please complete the Trustee Nomination Form. We are particularly looking for people with experience in the areas of digital innovation, finance or a legal background.

You can find the AGM agenda here.

To reserve your place please book here or call the office on 01904 704177 for further information. Bookings will close at 8 am on Thursday 23 February. Please note, our AGM is only open to Community First Yorkshire members.

Your vote matters

We know it’s not always possible to join our AGM. But, as a valued member, don’t lose your chance to vote. Please take a couple of minutes to complete the Proxy Voting Form and return it to us at

Questions and how to join the meeting

The link to the Zoom meeting will be sent out to all those registered one week before the meeting.

Please call the office on 01904 704177 if you have any questions, or if you have not used Zoom previously and would appreciate some assistance prior to the AGM.

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