It’s time to talk about menopause in the workplace

4 January 2022

We know that two-thirds of charity staff are women, and consequently, at any one time a significant proportion of our female workers will experience symptoms of menopause which might impact on their working life. So we are pleased to be working with Humber Coast and Vale ICS to help support women in our sector who are experiencing symptoms of menopause.

We have an ambition to become accredited as a menopause friendly workplace, and as part of this we want to get everyone talking about menopause at work and raise awareness of how employers and colleagues can support women at work.

To get the conversation started, we are encouraging everyone working in the VCSE sector across North Yorkshire to attend a ‘Let’s talk about menopause’ training session. These will run monthly throughout 2022 and are free to attend, with some sessions marked as friends and family welcome. You can book your place on a session here.