Make a Difference Awards

16 February 2023

We know that there are thousands of Unsung Heroes across North Yorkshire – do you know one of them? It might be a carer who helps your family or looks after granny in the local care home, do you know someone or a group – maybe a school group who are doing their bit to make an area more environmentally friendly, or a group who break down barriers to bring people together.

BBC Radio York has launched their second Make a Difference Awards. This is a chance to celebrate and honour individuals and groups who go above and beyond to improve where we live, where we work or make a difference to us and our communities. There are eight categories so lots to choose from.

The closing date is 11pm on Sunday 5 March. Make sure you get your nominations in nice and early, but please note that you can’t nominate someone who works for or is involved with your organisation.

You can find all the details and terms and conditions for this year’s awards by visiting: