Taking action on climate change

We are working with the Woodsmith Foundation to map the range, location, types and appetite for climate change activities, projects and networks across Scarborough district and the North Yorkshire Moors National Park.

To get a snapshot of what’s happening and where, we asked groups and organisations in the area to take a short survey. We wanted to find out what projects, activities and services were already running that mitigate climate change, as well as measure what appetite there is for future projects, any barriers to such projects and what support might be needed in the future.

Of the responses received, 66% reported delivering climate change activities and 27% said they were not currently delivering any climate change actions but were  interested in knowing more. Three percent of respondents said they were not interested in climate change and did not think it was an issue.

The range of activities being delivered is diverse, ranging from a community owned hydro energy scheme generating renewable energy, to village halls/community buildings installing renewable energy systems, and those providing advice, information and support for climate action projects. You can read about all the climate change adaptation projects and activities and the findings from the survey by downloading the report.