At the beginning of 2019, we secured £99,555 from the National Lottery Community Fund’s Building Connections Fund, to help support and inspire more local action to ‘turbo-charge’ the county’s response to tackling loneliness.
The Loneliness Campaign North Yorkshire was also backed by North Yorkshire Council with in-kind support from the Public Health and Stronger Communities teams, as well as funding through the Stronger Communities Fund.
Throughout the project, we worked with a steering group of voluntary and community sector organisations, public sector partners and private businesses to develop a North Yorkshire wide, all ages, strategy for tackling loneliness (Be Social, Be Well) and supporting action plan.
Before coming to a close in March 2021, the project also produced a series of campaigns and resources to help raise awareness and enable people to take simple actions to tackle loneliness in their communities. These are still available to access and share below.