The loneliness risk quiz for North Yorkshire
Check your future loneliness risk level
It’s a simple and quick online quiz to check your level of risk of being lonely in your later life.
The quiz has practical information and suggestions to help reduce loneliness for your loved ones as well as yourself. It will tell you about current research and lifestyles with the aim of helping you manage any areas in your life leading to a potentially higher risk level.
It’s chiefly aimed at people who are thinking about retirement, as well as those who have recently retired, but the quiz is relevant to people of all ages (in paid-work or otherwise). At the end of the quiz, there’s an opportunity to commit to a couple of personal actions as part of our overall Loneliness Strategy for North Yorkshire.
Simply click here to start the quiz. It should take you no longer than 5-10 minutes to complete.
Even if you come out as ‘high’ risk, don’t worry! It’s not a scientific quiz, it just aims to alert you to risk factors and gives you some practical suggestions on how to avoid feelings of loneliness in the future.
Caz took steps to make new connections when she retired. Read Caz’s story.
Volunteering is a great way to increase social connections. You can find out more about the benefits of volunteering and how to get involved, visit our combatting loneliness through volunteering page.