Prevent Training Offer for 2023

10 May 2023
Free training sessions aimed at those who work with individuals who may be vulnerable to radicalisation within our communities.

The North Yorkshire and City of York Prevent Partnership Board offers a number of free training sessions for partners throughout 2023. Each training session is aimed at those who work with individuals who may be vulnerable to radicalisation within our communities.

The training covers the following areas:

  • ‘Introduction to Prevent’ – The awareness session will cover the Prevent Duty, National counter terrorism threats, North Yorkshire and York context and risks, Signs and Symbols for Far Right and how to make a safeguarding referral for a Prevent concern.
  • ‘Vulnerability to Radicalisation’ session looks in more details at case studies for North Yorkshire and the outcomes, whilst also touching on the above areas.

If you are interested in attending, please book your place via the following link: Channel & Prevent Training Resources | North Yorkshire Partnerships (