Volunteers' Week, 1-7 June 2023

A time to say thanks

Here at Community First Yorkshire, we love volunteering! So, while we like to celebrate volunteers and volunteering all year round, we look forward to Volunteers’ Week as a special chance each year to celebrate the volunteers across North Yorkshire and the difference they make to charities and community groups here in North Yorkshire.

The theme for this year is ‘Celebrate and Inspire’, and Community First Yorkshire encourages people to get involved in volunteering in whatever way works for them.

Supporting the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO’s) call to ‘be the change that we want to see’; we are encouraging people to find roles on our Volunteering in North Yorkshire (VINY) directory.

Volunteers are at the heart of most of North Yorkshire’s charities and community groups, and whether you’re a charity or community group looking for volunteers, or you’re looking to volunteer yourself, we provide a range of services to help.

Get Inspired to Volunteer:
Here are just some of our tips and resources for Volunteer Involving Organisations:

Whatever you’re doing, we’d love to share your #VolunteersWeek stories and celebrations across our social media. Don’t forget to tag us into your posts on Twitter or Facebook.

Further support for Volunteer Involving Organisations

New enquiries – if you need support with any aspect of volunteer management please complete a New Enquiry Form and one of our developments officer will be in touch to support you.

General info – for general information, guidance, templates, online training, and resources please visit our dedicated website, which includes 15 factsheets that cover many aspects of volunteer management e.g. recruitment, supervisions and template policies, etc.

If you have any further questions or need support with any aspect of volunteering, please do get in touch volunteersupport@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk.