Webinars to join in September: Updates on UK Shared Prosperity activity in North Yorkshire

6 September 2023

Join York & North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership in September as they provide updates on UK Shared Prosperity activity in our region through four webinars. Information will be provided on the expected timescales of application processes, awards, and contracting.

  • UK Shared Prosperity Fund Webinar: Communities & Place (12 September, 1pm-2.30pm): You will find out about the upcoming launch of programmes to support Communities and Places across North Yorkshire. This will include details of grant schemes open to voluntary and community sector organisations, village halls and community buildings, and sports and active travel projects. An update will also be provided on the grant programme for projects that build pride in our places – through town centre regeneration, public realm improvements, and support for arts, culture and heritage assets and activities.
  • Decarbonisation Webinar (12 September, 3pm-4pm): You will hear about the upcoming launch of programmes to support the decarbonisation of communities and businesses across North Yorkshire. This will include details of grant schemes to enable community-led climate action, and to support small businesses in progressing towards net zero. Opportunities for organisations to lead and deliver programme activity as partners will also be outlined.
  • People & Skills Webinar (14 September, 1pm-2.30pm): You will find out about the upcoming launch of ‘people and skills’ programmes. The Partnership will outline opportunities for organisations to deliver programmes that support economically inactive residents and those in work through keyworker support, specialist advice and upskilling and reskilling opportunities
  • Supporting Local Business Webinar (14 September, 3pm-4pm): You will hear about the upcoming launch of programmes to support local businesses and boost productivity. This will include grant schemes for individual businesses to apply to, as well as other business support opportunities being funded by the North Yorkshire UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

For further information, please visit North Yorkshire Council’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund website and contact UKSPF@northyorks.gov.uk.