Reach more people

diverse group of people holding speech bubbles to represent conversations

We connect with a network of over 10,000 voluntary sector organisations and individuals across North, South and West Yorkshire.

If you want to get your message out there, we can help. Here’s how.

Community First Yorkshire communications.

If you have a piece of news, a new service or key event that benefits the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector in North Yorkshire, or rural communities across North, South and West Yorkshire, then we can help spread the message in a variety of ways:

  • Community First Yorkshire News is our weekly email newsletter reaching over 2,500 organisations and individuals
  • We can post a new story on this website
  • We can help spread your news through our social media channels.

Please note we will select which channels we think most suitable and will prioritise VCSE organisations and public sector partners.

We do not share fundraising activities or selling posts.

For more information please call 01904 704177 or contact

Recruitment advertising.

Our recruitment service provides a quick and cost-effective way for you to advertise vacancies to thousands of people working in the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector.

We will advertise your vacancy in our enewsletter, Community First Yorkshire News, via an email job bulletin which is sent direct to subscribers, on this website’s jobs pages and through our social media channels.

Please see our advertising policy and charges.

For more information please call 01904 704 177 or email