We spoke to Mark Wilson from Hovingham Village Hall and Frank Colenso, project lead at Project Purple, who helped install electric vehicle charging points at the village hall.
Hovingham Village Hall turned to Project Purple and Community First Yorkshire to help their hall become a greener space.
How did Project Purple and Community First Yorkshire assist with the village hall’s green project?
Frank: “Project Purple’s aim is to support the Hovingham community in achieving a carbon neutral status. To do this, we’ve undertaken many projects, including installing electric vehicle charging points at the village hall, enabling residents and visitors to gain easy access to electric charging.”
Mark: “The electric charging points have been a brilliant way to work towards becoming a greener community. At first we were worried that they’d be an expense to the village hall, but after liaising with Project Purple and Community First Yorkshire, we’ve been able to get grants in place and have the costs reimbursed by our energy provider.”
In addition to the charging points, what other green initiatives have you introduced?
Frank: “We introduced repair cafes which have been incredibly successful and allow residents and visitors to bring their belongings, including clothing, furniture and jewellery, to get fixed by our expert repairers. Last year, 150 people visited Hovingham’s repair café, and we managed to repair 60 items.”
Mark: “The repair cafes have been an incredible way to waste less and repair more, and we are dedicated to continuing them throughout 2024. No matter how big or small a green project is, every little helps in creating thriving communities.”
About the organisation
Located halfway between Helmsley and Malton lies the picturesque village of Hovingham and its popular community village hall. With a modern kitchen, large main hall and fast wi-fi, the hall has become the bustling heart of the community and is regularly the host of a monthly market, community cafes, bowls club and more.
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Community Support North Yorkshire is funded by North Yorkshire Council and NHS North Yorkshire.