Register now to be on the NYCC Approved Provider List for Non-regulated Social Care & Related Services
North Yorkshire County Council is establishing an Approved Provider List for Non-regulated Services.
Interested parties shall advise the contracting authority of their interest and must send a request to participate in this opportunity. In order to do this and access further information, please register your organisation’s details on the YORtender system. You will need to create a username, password and company profile.
Please note documentation is not yet available; this is not a formal request for quotation or formal tender, therefore we are not seeking formal offers at this stage. Applications will only be forwarded to providers registering interest via YORtender. ‘Provider’ means the legal entity seeking to participate in the procurement process and is responsible for any information provided. Applications will be evaluated in accordance with criteria stated within the application documentation.
Response deadline (UK time): 28/02/2022 00:00:00
For more details on the YORtender system and to access NYCC Provider Bulletins are available on North Yorkshire County Councils’ website.