Support for community groups and organisations

A review of their policies helped Access the Dales to identify their priorities and provide greater support to a wider range of people with disabilities

Wheelchair accessible walk
Access the Dales needed some support to refresh their policies and procedures, and to boost their volunteer recruitment.
What was the challenge?

Access the Dales contacted our Community Support North Yorkshire team as they needed help to make the charity compliant and follow all the correct procedures. The charity had grown very quickly, and they unsure of which direction to take and what to prioritise. They also wanted to grow the charity further by involving and recruiting more trustees and volunteers.

How did Community First Yorkshire help?

One of our development officers worked with the charity to motivate and uplift the group by helping them to work through a range of key policies. After a full diagnostic an action plan was drawn up and key areas prioritised. Much of this was ensuring correct policies were in place to support safe activities and legal compliance in governance.

The group firmly believe they would still be floundering without help from Community First Yorkshire.

What does the future look like?

In the long term, the support provided will help the charity to diversify their offer and broaden the types of disability rather than limit support to wheelchair users. Their aim is that any activity happening in the Yorkshire Dales should have disability at its heart, providing training and education and bringing more people to the countryside. By assisting people who wouldn’t otherwise know how to do it, Access the Dales plants the seed of what is possible.

Inspired by the support they have received, Access the Dales are now looking at developing roles and responsibilities across the organisation.

“Lizzie was just amazing. An absolute oracle who went above and beyond. She brought light, was methodical and made things so much easier.”
Trustee, Access the Dales
About the organisation

Access the Dales is a non-profit organisation that provides free access to the outdoors for everyone. Their mission is to reduce the barriers for people to access the outdoors and be more active. They want to make sure that no-one is left behind, or excluded. They do this by providing all-terrain wheelchairs in different locations in the Yorkshire Dales and in the Forest of Bowland.

How we can help you

As a registered charity, we understand your needs. Our local advisers work across North Yorkshire and will come to you to ensure you get access to the best quality advice and guidance including funding advice, helping you set up as a community organisation, governance and trustees, finance support, marketing advice, and exploring ways to further develop your organisation.

If you know a community group, charity or social enterprise that needs some support to be even more successful, contact one of our friendly advisors on 01904 704177 or

Community Support North Yorkshire is funded by North Yorkshire Council and NHS North Yorkshire.

Do you need help with:
  • securing income for your organisation or project?
  • turning your ideas of becoming a new community organisation into a reality?
  • benefiting from greater security as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)?
  • thinking about reviewing your organisation and planning ahead?
  • understanding trustee’s legal roles and responsibilities?
  • benefitting from a financial health check?

Our advisers can help. Call us today 01904 704177 or email