From 24 – 28 June, we’re taking part in the UK’s biggest celebration of small charities – Small Charity Week.
The campaign was first established by the Foundation for Social Improvement (the FSI) in 2010 to celebrate and raise the profile of the small charity sector. It is now delivered by NCVO and Lloyds Bank Foundation.
Throughout the week, we’ll be sharing inspiring stories from our community on social media. We’d love it if you’d like to get involved and help spread the word about our amazing sector and all the fantastic and inspiring work that goes on.
Our heartfelt ode to small charities
As Small Charity Week gets underway, we’re delighted to share a poem written by our Leadership Development and Training Manager, Mike Hickman. It really sets the tone for the week and celebrates the amazing contributions that small charities make.
Blog: Measuring the big impact that small charities have

In a new blog for Small Charity Week, our Community Support Delivery Manager, Carole Roberts, delves into the tricky topic of impact measurement.
She talks about responding to the frequent requests for help from small charities trying to grapple with this challenge.
The team is busy developing some support on this for small charities but in the meantime, she suggests several useful questions that can be asked routinely to offer you real insight into the difference you are making.
Read the blog
Small Charity Week Shout Out

All week on social media, we’ll be asking five questions designed to help our amazing small charities shout about themselves. If you fancy getting involved, just follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Linkedin and share our posts with your answer. Don’t forget to tag us in too so we can help amplify your story.
The five questions are:
- What’s the driving passion behind your charity?
- This Small Charity Week, why would you say small is beautiful?
- What’s your top tip for running a successful small charity in North Yorkshire?
- What would you say is your charity’s biggest achievement to date?
- If you could wish for anything to help your charity thrive, what would it be?
How to get involved in the week
If you are a small charity, there are lots of ways to get involved. From 24–28 June, we’d love to see (and help!) your charity shine on social media. You could share some behind the scenes footage or photos of your hardworking team. Or perhaps you’d rather showcase members of the community you support.
Here are some ideas for the type of content you can share:
- Photo or video of a staff member explaining what they do and how they help your community
- Photo or video of a staff member / end user explaining why they love your organisation
- Photo or video of a volunteer explaining why they started volunteering with you
- Images of community members taking part in your services
- Statistics about the impact your charity has. For example, how many people you helped last year.
However you choose to share your story, please make sure you tag us and include #SmallCharityWeek. We’ll re-share your story and help to amplify your charity’s voice!
There are also a programme of online and in-person events being run by NVCO throughout the week including:
- 30-minute mentoring, an NCVO member-only event partnering smaller charities with a larger charity to discuss a current problem
- online webinars to help you form successful partnerships with corporates and local authorities, and to respond to opposition
- a panel Q&A focusing on digital and technology
- an in-person conference, an NCVO member-invite-only event, focused on the role of AI in our sector.
You can find out more and book a place on the Small Charity Week website.